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Artículo de Revisión Referencias 1.- Algaba A, Guerra I, Castaño Á, De la Poza G, Castellano VM, López M, et al. Risk of cancer, with special reference to extra-intestinal malignancies, in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. World J Gastoenterol 2013; 19: 9359-65. 2.- Pedersen N, Duricova D, Elkjaer M, Gamborg M, Munkholm P, Jess T. Risk extra-intestinal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease: Meta-analysis of population-based cohort studies. Am J Gastroenterol 2010; 105: 1480-7. 3.- Wang LH, Yang YJ, Cheng WC, Wang WM, Lin SH, Sheih CC. Higher risk for hematological malignancies in inflammatory bowel disease: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. Am J Gastroenterol 2016; 111: 1313-9. 4.- Simian D, Fluxá D, Flores L, Lubascher J, Ibáñez P, Figueroa C, et al. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A descriptive study of 716 local chilean patients. World J Gastroenterol 2016; 22: 5267-75. 5.- Simian D, Estay C, Kronberg U, Yarur A, Castro M. Lubascher J, et al. Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal en pacientes mayores de 60 años ¿es una enfermedad diferente? Rev Med Chile 2015; 143: 689-96. 6.- Meyer L, Simian D, Kronberg U, Estay C, Lubascher J, Figueroa C, et al. Desarrollo de neoplasia en pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Rev Med Chile 2015; 143: 834-40. 7.- Bernheim O, Colombel JF, Ullman T, Laharie D, Beaugerie L, Itzkowitz SH. The management of immunosuppression in patients with inflammatory bowel S 30 Neop lasias e xtra -co lónicas e n e nferme dad i nflamatoria i ntesti nal - R. Quera P. et al. diseases and cancer. Gut 2013; 62: 1523-8. 8.- Magro F, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Sokol H, Aldeger X, Costa A, Higgins PD, et al. Extra-intestinal malignancies in inflammatory bowel disease: Results of the 3rd ECCO Pathogenesis Scientific Workshop (III). J Crohn Colitis 2014; 8: 31-44. 9.- Gulamhusein AF, Eaton JE, Tabibian JH, Atkinson EJ, Juran BD, Lazaridis KN. Duration of inflammatory bowel disease is associated with increased rik of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and UBD. Am J Gastroenterol 2016; 111: 705-11. 10.- Zenouzi R, Weismüller TJ, Jorgensen KK, Bubenheim M, Lensen H, Hübener P. No evidence that azathioprine increases risk of cholangiocarcinoma in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016; 14: 1806-12. 11.- Axelrad J, Lichtiger S, Yajnik V. Inflammatory bowel disease and cancer: The role of inflammation, immunosuppression, and cancer treatment. World J Gastroenterol 2016; 22: 4794-801. 12.- Kotlyar DS, Osterman MT, Diamond RH, Porter D, Blonski WC, Wasik M, et al. A systematic review of factors that contribute to hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011; 9: 36-41. 13.- Lichtenstein GR, Feagan BG, Salzberg BA, Diamond RH, Langholff W, Londhe A, et al. Drugs therapies and the risk of malignancy in Crohn´s disease: results from the TREATTM registry. Am J Gastroenterol 2014; 109: 212-23. 14.- Beaugerie L, Carrat F, Colombel JF, Bouvier AM, Sokol H, Babouri A, et al. Risk of new or recurrent cancer under immunosuppressive therapy in patients with IBD and previous cancer. Gut 2014; 63: 1416-23. 15.- Algaba A, Guerra I, Marín-Jiménez I, Quintanilla E, López-Serrano P, García-Sánchez MC, et al. Incidence, management, and course of cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J Crohn Colitis 2015; 9: 326-33. 16.- Lee J, Clarke K. Anti-TNF agents in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and malignant melanoma-challenges in management. Int J Colorectal Dis 2015; 30: 1595-602. 17.- Wadhwa V, López R, Shen B. Crohn´s disease is associated with the risk of thyroid cancer. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2016; 22: 2902-6. 18.- Axerlrad J, Bernheim O, Colombel JF, Malerba S, Ananthakrishnan A, Yajnik V, et al. Risk of new or recurrent cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and previous cancer exposed to immunosuppressive and anti-tumor necrosis factors agents. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2016; 14: 58-64. 19.- Axerlrad J, Fowler SA, Friedman S, Ananthakrishnan A, Yajnik V. Effects of cancer treatment on inflammatory bowel disease remission and reactivation. Clin Gastroenterol Hapatol 2012; 10: 1021-7. 20.- Rajca S, Seksik P, Bourrier A, Sokol H, Nion-Larmurier I, Beaugerie L, et al. Impact of the diagnosis and treatment of cancer on the course of inflammatory bowel disease. J Crohn´s Colitis 2014; 8: 819-24. Gastroenterol. latinoam 2017; V ol 28, Supl N º 1: S 25- S 30

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