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PDF | https://doi.org/10.46613/congastro2023-143

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Fluxa D1, Ko D1, Kim D1, Palacios P1, Kroner P2, Lukens F1

1Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, Estados Unidos (EEUU)
2Riverside Health System, Virginia, Estados Unidos (EEUU)


The early rapid spread of COVID-19 impacted access to healthcare for elective, subacute and acute medical conditions across the US and resulted in associated worse outcomes in infected patients undergoing procedures compared to pre-pandemic.


To explore the use and outcomes of inpatients undergoing ERCP for any indication during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Retrospective observational study conducted by querying the National Inpatient Sample for the year 2020. Patients with ERCP procedural ICD-10 codes were included. Primary outcome included inpatient odds of ERCP for all indications. Secondary outcomes included inpatient odds of mortality, morbidity, resource utilization, as well a crude numbers and odds of intra-procedural interventions. The month of January (pre-pandemic) was used as comparator. Multivariate regression was used to adjust for gender, age, insurance status, Charlson Comorbidity Index, income in patient zip code, hospital region, location, size and teaching status.


The study included 152,125 patients, 54.6% females, mean age 61.3 years. There were decreased ERCP odds in March, November-December and increased ERCP odds in May-June and September compared to January (pre-pandemic). There was no significant difference in odds of mortality compared to January (pre-pandemic). Morbidity and resource utilization measures are shown in Table 1. Regarding intra-procedural instrumentation, there were increased odds of biliary sphincterotomy and lithotripsy throughout April-June compared to January. There were no significant differences in odds of ERCP complications compared to pre-pandemic levels.


While there was a decreased number and odds of ERCP early in the pandemic, the subsequent months up to October 2020 saw non-different and increased odds of ERCP compared to pre-pandemic levels. Interestingly, there were increased odds of lithotripsy and biliary sphincterotomy throughout April-June. No significantly different odds of ERCP-related complications, mortality or resource utilization were noted in early pandemic months compared to pre-pandemic standards.