Gastroenterol. latinoam 2011; Vol 22, Nº 3: 238-241
Non alcoholic fatty liver disease: main cause of outpatient liver disease in a private center in Chile. Pospective study March-July 2010
The epidemiology of liver diseases has been changing over the time, with increasing importance of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Objective: To investigate the principal diagnosis of liver diseases in a reference center. Material and Methods: Prospective study of 405 consecutive patients attending the Clinica Las Condes Gastroenterology Department, between March and July 2010. Results: 207 (51%) were men and 198 (49%) women, with a mean age of 54 years old (Range 14-89). From these, 134 (33%) had NAFLD, 40 (10%) autoimmune hepatitis, 36 (9%) primary biliary cirrhosis, 25 (9%) chronic hepatitis C, 26 (6,5%) Gilbert syndrome, 23 (5,5%) acute or chronic hepatitis B, 22 (5%) liver transplantation and 87 (65%) others diagnosis. From 134 NAFLD cases, 88 (66%) were men and 46 (34%) women, 72 (54%) had overweight, 39 (29%) obesity, 100 (75%) dyslipidemia and 87 (65%) glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and/or diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: NAFLD is currently the main cause of liver disease in a reference center, associated to well known risk factors, increasingly presented in Chile.
La epidemiología de las enfermedades hepáticas ha cambiado a través del tiempo, adquiriendo creciente importancia el hígado graso no alcohólico (HGNA). Objetivo: Investigar los principales diagnósticos hepatológicos en un centro de referencia. Material y Método: Estudio prospectivo de 405 pacientes consecutivos ambulatorios, consultantes entre marzo y julio de 2010, al Departamento de Gastroenterología de Clínica Las Condes. Resultados: 207 (51%) eran hombres y 198 (49%) mujeres, con edad promedio de 54 años (rango 14-89). De éstos, 134 (33%) tenían HGNA, 40 (10%) hepatitis autoinmune, 36 (9%) cirrosis biliar primaria, 25 (9%) hepatitis crónica C, 26 (6,5%) Síndrome de Gilbert, 23 (5,5%) hepatitis aguda o crónica B, 22 (5%) trasplante hepático y 89 (22%) otros diagnósticos. De los 134 casos de HGNA, 88 (66%) eran hombres y 46 (34%) mujeres, 72 (54%) tenían sobrepeso, 39 (29%) obesidad, 100 (75%) dislipidemia y 87 (65%) intolerancia a hidratos de carbono, resistencia a insulina y/o diabetes mellitus. Conclusiones: El HGNA constituye en la actualidad la principal enfermedad hepática en un centro privado en Chile, asociado a factores de riesgo conocidos, cada vez más presentes en nuestro medio.