Gastroenterol. latinoam 2015; Vol 26, Nº 3: 149-153
Juan Carlos Weitz V., Mariana Cabezón J. y José Manuel Palacios J.
Intra-abdominal foreign body: clinical case and review of the literature
Cases of intra-abdominal foreign bodies are rare and caused mainly by retained elements after surgery and by, in general, accidental swallowing and subsequent perforation of the gastrointestinal tract. We report the case of a 74 year-old female patient, presenting with fever, abdominal pain and weight loss. An abdominal TC showed the presence of a foreign body that had caused a perforation of duodenum and gallbladder neck; surgery showed that it was a 4 cm ‘twist-tie’. The description of the case presents differential diagnoses, based on a review of the literature. This is a rare event and corresponds to the third publication of a case of a twist-tie intra-abdominal foreign body, according to a review of other medical publications.