Adenocarcinoma gástrico difuso positivo por HER-2 en inmunohistoquímica e hibridación fluorescente

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Gastroenterol. latinoam 2014; Vol 25, Nº 4: 271-274


Andrés Quesada Z., Luis Alonso Álvarez Z. y Fernando Mena U.

HER-2-positive diffuse gastric adenocarcinoma through immunohistochemistry and fluorescent hybridization


HER-2 is a biomarker participating in tumor cell’s biology that has been thoroughly studied in breast cancer, but it can also be overexpressed in other neoplasms like gastric cancer. In this setting there are more reported cases about HER-2 positive immunohistochemistry in intestinal subtype than in diffuse subtype; in those cases, staining is limited to basolateral membrane. Positivity may be verified through fluorescent hybridization. This case is about a 30-year-old man diagnosed with diffuse gastric carcinoma from a total gastrectomy surgical specimen, in which 3+ HER-2 immunohistochemistry is confirmed in the totality of the plasma membrane of mucosa cells and is sustained using fluorescent hybridization for HER-2.

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