Hepatotoxicidad por verapamil. Reporte de un caso

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Gastroenterol. latinoam 2010; Vol 21, Nº 1: 27-29

 Alejandro Soza R. y Soledad Larraín M.

Liver injury due to treatment with verapamil. Case report


Drug induced liver injury is an infrequent adverse effect of Verapamil. It has been reported in about ten cases since 1981. We report a case of a middle-aged woman who received Verapamil in a dose of 120 mg/d for eight weeks, developing a mixed hepatocellular and cholestatic pattern of liver injury without any symptoms. There was no evidence of eosinophilia. Liver function tests returned quickly to normal levels after discontinuation. As in previously reported cases, we hypothesize that this is an idiosyncratic mechanism of liver injury.

La hepatotoxicidad es un efecto adverso infrecuente de verapamil, existiendo alrededor de 10 casos reportados desde 1981. Relatamos el caso de una mujer de edad media que presenta una alteración de las pruebas hepáticas con patrón mixto asociado al uso de verapamil 120 mg/d por 8 semanas sin síntomas asociados, la cual responde rápidamente a la suspensión de este fármaco. Al igual que en casos reportados previamente, planteamos como mecanismo de injuria una hepatotoxicidad idiosincrática por este medicamento.

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